Letting go

I'm looking to find ways to let go and no I don't really mean relax. How do you let go control over things that you have no control over anyway? Typing that out makes it sound rather redundant.

I worry about the baby, about my choices, about how everyone seems to have an opinion about how things should be done and I'd much rather it was the same as mine...at least when it comes to carrying, birthing and raising a child. I have to say I think this is something I'm normally pretty good at. I believe it takes all kinds of opinions and people to make the world go round. I'm normally not bad at seeing the other side and never needing to bring you on to my team. Saying that, since I am now magically and bizarrely two people at once and all those motherly protecting my young instincts have kicked in, I'm having a much harder time when the world and I don't see eye to eye. I know that this will always be the case and maybe it's more about not feeling supported while I'm making such important decisions.

So for now I'm searching for my mommy zen...it's no where to be found right now but I'm sure it will pop up somewhere.

Picture: White Flower pasties. These unrelated pictures are making me feel a little insane but they are probably the best way to represent my life right now...so completely at odds with it self.


流浪汉 瑜伽 Yoga Tramp said...

wah u blog is very long, thk for sharin

lorisavory said...

Helen, when it comes to raising kids, follow your instinct. If your actions are based on love, you won't do anything wrong!